Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies Vol. 1 <p><em>This book covers key areas of arts and social studies. The contributions by the authors include stress, emotional labour, teachers, pain medicine education, problem based learning, post-graduate learning, neuropsychological diagnosis, brain mechanisms, sexual behaviour, women, qualitative, self-efficacy, class environment, agricultural extension, dual training, youth unemployment, grammar categories, teaching methods, teaching of grammar, primary education, educational innovation, psychological development, preschool age, social role-play, educational psychology, learning activity, qualitative studies, teachers and pupils relations, social development etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians of this area.</em></p> en-US Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies Vol. 1 Teacher smile your stress away! Emotional Labour, Stress, and Stress Management Techniques in the Eastern Galilee <p>Teaching is an emotional profession that requires delicate balances. This study aims to explore the ways in which teachers in the Eastern Galilee (Israel's northern periphery) cope with stress. Our main purpose is to examine the links between teachers’ stress, its sources and consequences, and stress management techniques and their positive or negative effect on stress.</p> <p>To reveal the associations between these variables, we posited four main hypotheses: 1) there is a positive correlation between stress and the intensity of negative emotions; 2) there is a negative correlation between the level of stress and the ability to cope with it; 3) there is a negative correlation between the intensity of negative emotions and the ability to cope with stress; and 4) there is a negative correlation between seniority and level of stress - that is, the more senior a teacher is, the less stress he or she will feel. To test the above hypotheses, we assessed emotional labour, negative emotion, and stress management techniques in a sample of 100 teachers, using validated self-reporting measures.</p> <p>The main findings show the following:</p> <p>1)&nbsp;&nbsp; There is a positive correlation between teachers’ stress and the fact that they invest the majority of their time, whether at school or at home, in fulfilling their work responsibilities. Moreover, we found a very strong and significant positive correlation of p‹0.0l, r=0.724, showing that the more a teacher experiences stress, the stronger their negative emotions will be.</p> <p>2)&nbsp;&nbsp; We found a weak negative correlation of p›0.05, r=0.142 between level of stress and management techniques.</p> <p>3)&nbsp;&nbsp; Over time, negative emotions can affect the manner in which teachers cope with pressure. This is an important point. Various studies have shown that as a teacher's work becomes more demanding, forcing the teacher to invest their internal emotional resources in order to cope with complex situations, feelings of frustration and discomfort increase, resulting in a heightened sense of stress and impaired functioning.</p> <p>4)&nbsp;&nbsp; Seniority is a very important factor in balancing levels of stress. We found that the more senior a teacher is, the less stress they will experience. Teachers with seniority of one to five years had the highest measure of stress (M=3.03, Std=0.77), whereas the measure of stress among teachers with six to11 years of seniority (M=2.99, Std=0.53) or those with more than 11 years' seniority (M=2.79, Std=0.63) was lower. This important point fills gaps in research in the field which examines the relationship between seniority and coping techniques.</p> <p>Surprisingly, there is a discrepancy between the general perception that teaching is a very busy profession with high levels of stress and reports of average-reasonable levels of stress reported by the majority of teachers participating in this study. This does not mean that the profession of teaching does not produce high levels of stress.</p> <p>However, new thinking may be required to see teaching as a profession which relates to emotional work and, as such, requires more emotional and social support as part of a broader professional and organizational approach.</p> Y. Nissim ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 1 16 The Role of Problem-based Learning in Post-graduate Pain Medicine Education? <p>Doctors are expected to assist, teach, train and assess colleagues at almost all stages of their careers yet doctors themselves have received little formal training on how to teach. Teaching is as much a science as an art. Teachers should know their audience to help personalize the learning experience. We propse that substituting a traditional “lecture series” structure with a postgraduate Problem Based Learning (PBL) structure in the context of a pain medicine educational program could improve trainee satisfaction and PBL experience. The implementation of a PBL system into a pain medicine postgraduate program created a positive learning atmosphere, improved the trainee satisfaction and ultimately should enrich the learning experience in the area of pain medicine. Adapting to the learning needs of individuals interested in pain medicine is important so that we create a positive learning atmosphere, improve the trainee satisfaction and enrich the learning experience in the area. Then perhaps more young doctors will uncover the professional enjoyment and exciting challenges pain medicine provides those of us already involved on a daily basis.</p> Dominic A. Hegarty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 17 27 Study of Learning Problems in Adolescents from the Historical-cultural Perspective in Neuropsychology <p>The background of the article is historical and cultural neuropsychology, which proposes analysis of learning activity from the level of its functional brain organization. Qualitative assessment of difficulties and functional analysis of syndromes permits to determine brain cortical and subcortical factors or mechanisms, which participate in fulfillment of different actions and operations of learning activity at school age. The objective of the present article is to contribute to consideration of ways and methods of neuropsychological assessment in cases of adolescents with learning disabilities and to share the opinion about the advantages of neuropsychological approach for the understanding of neuropsychological nature of learning disabilities in adolescents. Two cases of female adolescents with learning disability were included in the study. The scheme for neuropsychological assessment created for Spanish speaking patients was applied. Such kind of assessment permits to detect unique brain mechanism or factor responsible for pupil’s difficulties. The results have pointed out systemic difficulties in factors of motor sequential organization and regulation and control. Identification of concrete functional mechanism responsible for difficulties helps to obtain precise neuropsychological diagnostic of learning disabilities. The functional deficit of motor sequential organization and regulation and control and voluntary activity might be identified as possible reasons of learning disabilities and problems for realization of intellectual actions in secondary school. We conclude that the methodology of qualitative analysis of neuropsychological syndrome proposed by Luria might serve as an example of usage of systemic approach for cases of learning disabilities in children and adolescents.</p> Yulia Solovieva Maria del Rosario Bonilla-Sánchez Luis Quintanar Rojas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 28 44 Women and HIV/AID in Zambia <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The possibility of an AIDS free generation cannot be realized unless we are able to prevent HIV infection in young women. Therefore, information on sexual behaviour could help to mitigate the spread of HIV/AIDS by developing effective prevention strategies. Global estimates show decline HIV prevalence among young people, little is known about the burden of HIV and AIDS and how their needs for HIV prevention, care and treatments have been addressed. In Zambia, HIV and AIDS prevalence among the girls is still high (8.8%) compared to boys of the same age (4.3%) and many young people women engage in sexually activities very early with partners who are five years their senior and who may already have had a number of sexual partners.</p> <p><strong>Aim:</strong> The aim of the study was to explore sexual behaviour among women aged 15 -25 years.</p> <p><strong>Study Design:</strong> Qualitative study.</p> <p><strong>Place and Duration of the Study: </strong>Nangoma mission hospital catchment area in Central province, and Chikankata Hospital catchment area in Chikankata district of Southern Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>We conducted 8 focus group discussions with 72 participants. The discussions were conducted using the same topic guide for all the groups, transcribed and subjected to framework analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study findings indicate that many young women were sexually active and initiated sexual activity at an early age. Factors that contributed to early initiation of sexual activities include fear of rejection by stable partners, betrothals, coercion into marriages by guardians, incest, lack of negotiation skills with sexual partners and poverty. Many participants’ sexual partners at first intercourse were more than five years older than themselves. Some of the study participants had multiple sexual partners due to various factors such as curiosity, fear of partner violence, lack of assertiveness, sign of beauty and poverty.</p> <p>Many participants in both groups engaged in unprotected sex due to various reasons. Some had never seen a condom before, some trusted their sexual partners and thought there was no need to use a condom, others stated their partners didn’t’ allow them to use a condom. Other participants didn’t use a condom because it wasn’t available, others couldn’t use it due to misconceptions such as lack of sexual enjoyment. In some situations, participants couldn’t use a condom because of the environment in which they found themselves, those with casual sexual partners stated that sexual intercourse is usually performed in the bush and in hurry for fear of being discovered by passersby. Some participants couldn’t use the condom on account of their doctrine. A few participants used the condom for pregnancy protection.</p> <p>The study revealed that most participants would not initiate condom use with their sexual partners for fear of rejection, abandonment, infidelity and being suspected of having HIV and AIDS however, some participants were willing to initiate condom use with their sexual partners for pregnancy protection. Many participants in didn’t discuss sexual matters nor HIV and AIDS, and sexually transmitted infections with their sexual partners. A few participants discussed issues on pregnancy protection with their husbands.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study shows that women engage in risk sexual behaviour. Continued sensitization is required in order to prevent women from engaging in risky sexual behaviour. It is concluded that several knowledge gaps existed among young women in relation to HIV and AIDS and that some young women engage in risky sexual behaviour such as having multiple sexual partners and unprotected sex. There is need therefore to intensify community-based Information, Education and Communication to youth through their peers may reduce high risky sexual behaviours in both urban and rural areas.</p> Catherine M. Ngoma Janetta Roos Seta Siziya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 45 66 The Agricultural Extension System of Family Farm Schools in Cameroon <p>This chapter analyzes the extension system used by Family Farm Schools in providing agricultural information to farmers to alleviate rural poverty and hunger in Cameroon. It examines the background of Family Farm Schools and the unemployment problem of school leavers and advances the view that moving away from pure state paternalism to a partnership between the state, private sector, NGOs, donors, civil society, and rural communities in promoting of agricultural training and extension would improve the asset levels and autonomy of rural youths. Data was obtained through field observations, focus discussions and programme documents. The conclusion highlights the unsatisfactory financial position of the Family Farm Schools’ extension system and suggests the way forward to develop a newly conceived policy agenda for agricultural training and extension using this system; adopt a diversified and pluralistic strategy for funding the programme; build a platform for dialogue and collaboration with the relevant extension service providers; and evaluate the programme within the economic growth and poverty reduction strategy for government action. The agricultural extension techniques propagated by Family Farm Schools are but one part of meeting the challenge of poverty alleviation via education and self-employment. Equally demanding is the task of developing structures and support services that will ensure that eventual graduates have opportunities to invest in agriculture. This requires the setting up of a credible rural development bank for providing financial services to farmers and concessions of agricultural land of reasonable sizes to be acquired by the young farmers for crop and livestock production. Other incentives like favourable prices, access to markets, transport facilities, agricultural inputs and effective linkages with agricultural research should be made available to encourage the young farmers. Global developments require a new vision and the promotion of improved best practices if agricultural extension systems are to be revitalized and made more effective to meet the diverse needs of farmers. In the absence of these efforts, innovative training and extension systems may prepare skilled youth who are committed to agricultural development goals but who have no means for effective implementation of their action plans. The development of agriculture is the key to alleviate rural poverty in Cameroon. The youths need the right education and training to enable them participate in farming as family business enterprises.</p> Fonteh Athanasius Amungwa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 67 80 Teaching of Grammar Categories: An Approach According to Activity Theory <p>Acquisition of grammar and methods for teaching of grammar is a topic of discussion within educational system in many countries. Normally, pupils at primary and secondary school show strong difficulties in independent writing production, which depends, among other things, on general knowledge of basics of grammar. No original strategies or innovation methods are proposed in traditional education. The chapter represents an effort to show a new pedagogical approach to teaching initial grammar categories. The aim of the study was to obtain qualitative pedagogical data during the work with basic grammar categories through prior acquisition of certain skills of orientation and reflective comprehension of differences between essential characteristics of each type of word (basic grammar category). Initial categories are also understood as basic and general grammar categories. The study was carried out with Mexican regular pupils of second grade of primary school. Specific symbolic orientation was created to facilitate identification of essential features of basic grammar categories. According to the results of the study, all pupils have shown positive acquisition of intellectual actions for comparison and individual production of basic grammar categories. The authors discuss effectiveness of positive results, which were obtained by application of new pedagogical experience. Our proposal is based on strategies of guided orientation according to cultural historical psychology and activity theory. The results have shown positive effects of the program for acquisition of initial grammar concepts by Mexican pupils. Orientation base of actions and usage of external means for orientation (special cards) were main instrument, which allowed to achieve effectiveness in reflective knowledge of pupils and in grammar awareness. The main principles of guided and joint activity including teacher and pupils in classroom were applied with success for formation of general grammar concepts. Formative experiment applied to introductive teaching of grammar categories proved to be useful method in educational psychology. Orientation used in teaching should take into account types, levels and essential contents feature of concepts of grammar: general grammar categories.</p> Y. Solovieva D. Rosas Alvarez L. Quintanar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 81 101a The Social-role Play for the Formation of the Symbolic Perceptive Actions in Preschool Children <p>The goal of this study is to identify how it is possible to promote the development of symbolic perceptive actions by social role play in preschool children. 20 preschool children between 5 and 6 years old from the city of Bogota were included in the study. The level of symbolic development was assessed by application of qualitative protocol designed for this purpose before and after inclusion of the children in the social role-play. The results showed low level of symbolic development before participation on the playing activity. After participation in program based on social role-play the children showed enriched development of symbolic actions. Such changes were observed by implementation of the same protocol after the program. The results have permitted to propose some indicators of positive symbolic development at perceptive level in the social role play. Among such indicators there are: possibility of using visual representations (drawings) to solve problems that may occur during the play, to regulate the behavior of others and the behavior itself and to organize the actions corresponding to the roles. We discuss the inclusion of external perceptual means inside social role-play in order to guarantee development of symbolic function. Obtained data permits to make an important reflection in relation to method for assessment of psychological development commonly used in preschool institutions. We stress that the level of development of symbolic activity depends not on social conditions, but on participation in specific organized guided activity between children with specific communicational purposes. The social role-play might be considered as one of the paths for such development. The content of plays and inclusion of possibility for creation and usage of symbolic representation is a powerful strategy for positive development of preschool children. Our findings might be useful for reconsideration of traditional methods used in preschool institutions in Latin America and new positive revalidation of the meaning of social role-play for preschool age within the theory of cultural and historical development.</p> Yulia Solovieva Claudia Ximena González-Moreno Luis Quintanar Rojas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 102 115a Factors that Affect Student Motivation in Organic Chemistry: Measuring Correlations to Gauge Student Attitudes <p>Motivation is the personal investment that an individual has reaching a desired state or outcome. In learning, motivation influences the direction, intensity, persistence, and quality of learning behaviors in which students engage. To measure the motivation of students enrolled in undergraduate organic chemistry courses, a survey was developed to gauge student attitudes about the course value, self-efficacy, and class environment. The survey consisted of twelve statements to which respondents indicated agreement through a seven point Likert response scale. Since course value, self-efficacy, and a supportive class environment are all purported to be necessary factors to positively motivate students, pairwise correlations between the student responses were measured and assessed.&nbsp; Although correlation was generally found in responses to statements pertaining to a specific factor, the lack of correlation between these three factors indicates that individual students probably did not perceive all three factors to be present simultaneously. This may contribute to students’ non-optimal performance despite generally positive responses to individual statements. Despite responses that indicate all three factors purportedly required for motivation are present in organic chemistry classes, no correlation between the three is evidenced upon statistical analysis. The low correlation of several statements with other statements reveals that students have an overall low perception of the role of science classes and organic chemistry in their education.</p> Kathryn A. Cannon Maureen P. Breen Kevin C. Cannon ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 116 125 The Motives for Learning in Elementary Students: The Parents and Teachers Agency <p>According to conception of cultural and historical development, motives represent essential structural component of any kind of activity. Learning at school is a kind of collective joint activity according to activity theory. Motives might be conformed and evaluated during learning process as its essential element. Different motive might be acquired during interactions within learning process. Pupils might share their motives, but also might present differential variants of combinations of types motives: external and internal motives. The objective of this chapter is consideration of formation and assessment of motives of pupils. The authors propose the qualitative way of analysis of the sphere of motives by specifically organized interview with teachers and parents. The procedure of interactive drawings with pupils is proposed as a new and original way for analysis of motives. The study was accomplished in a private school in the Puebla city, Mexico, with the pupils of the third grade of primary school. The results show the presence of both external and internal motives in pupils. External motives can be divided into three groups: motives, which support the learning process, motives, which are indifferent to the learning process and motives, which become serious obstacles for cognition. Different strategies of analysis of the motives permit to understand better participation of different factors in conformation of the sphere of motives at school age. The data of the study have pointed out that the methods of qualitative assessment permitted to obtain important information about the sphere of motivation of pupils for learning activity as internal motives of learning activity. Other motives were external and were related to diverse external aspects of school live as friends, classroom, kindness of the teacher, playing games and so on. Positive external motivation is the predominant type of school motivation within included population of the third school grade of private primary school. Three initial years of education at primary school are not enough for formation of internal motives of study. At the same time, it is possible to observe that positive attitude of parents and teacher may influence on positive motives of the pupils. In all observed cases, we may conclude the presence of positive motivation of children. The motivation of the pupils was external and internal types. The motivation of the teacher was academic and internal. The motivation of the parents was positive of both external and internal types, exactly as the children. We might conclude that system of teaching based on activity theory is capable of introducing of initial positive motivation in pupils and teacher therefor it is possible to expect gradual changes of children’s motivation into profound internal interest for future studies.</p> Yulia Solovieva Adriana Mata ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2019-06-15 2019-06-15 126 143