Dr. Thomas F. George
Chancellor / Professor,
Department of Chemistry and Physics, University of Missouri-St. Louis One University Boulevard St. Louis, USA.


ISBN 978-93-89816-66-2 (Print)
ISBN 978-93-89816-67-9 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/nips/v1


This book covers all areas of physical science. The contributions by the authors include climate change, temperate climate, data interpolation, spatial distribution of rainfall and air temperature, GPS, composition algebras, Hilbert spaces, fock spaces, heavy metals, domestic photovoltaic applications, high power quality, solar flare, coronal mass ejection, interior Schwarzschild solution, interior horizon, cosmic censorship, naked singularity, uncertainty principle, general relativity, ball lightning, natural anomaly, entropy, multiscaling entropy, QCM etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of physical science.



Annual and Monthly Spatial Distribution of Rainfall and Average Air Temperature in a Temperate Region: A Dataset of Twenty Years (2000-2019) for Climate Change Studies

Marco Pellegrini

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 1-7

Aims: Temperature changes in the air, land and ocean together with the hydrological cycle and changing precipitation patterns are some of the topics assessed by scientists all over the world in order to study the signals of a changing climate. As the impacts of climate change are expected to be noticed both at global and local scale, a dataset of real-world precipitation and average air temperature at regional scale spanning a period of 20 years is provided and described in the present paper.

Study Design: Starting from cumulative precipitation and average air temperature data, a set of annual and monthly spatially distributed maps have been generated in order to provide the scientific community with regional-scale data related to a temperate climate area.

Place and Duration of Study: Marche Region, East-Central Italy, between January 2000 and December 2019.

Methodology: We used in-situ rainfall and air temperature data provided by Marche Region (Italy) Civil Protection Service in the framework of the regional meteorological and hydrological monitoring network (SIRMIP). SIRMIP network is composed of a mechanical and a telemetric sensing system. SIRMIP network consists of, among others, 230 rain gauges and 137 thermometers.

Rainfall and air temperature data have been interpolated on a 1 km-resolution regular grid using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) spatial interpolation. Temperature data were further processed through a linear regression using elevation from a high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM).

Results: The generated dataset described in this paper consists of 240 monthly- and 20 annual-spatially distributed maps of rainfall and air temperature.

Design of a Broadband Inverted Conical Quadrifilar Helix Antenna and a Small GPS Helix Antenna

Jingyan Mo, Wei Liu

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 8-17

This chapter introduces two type helix antennas. One is a broadband inverted conical circularly polarized quadrifilar helix antenna (QHA). The antenna has many good characteristics, including wide beam and broad bandwidth, which are achieved by utilizing inverted conical geometry and adjusting the dimensions of the inverted conical support. The antenna is fed by a wideband network to provide 90° phase difference between the four arms with constant amplitude. The antenna impedance and axial ratio bandwidth values are more than 39% and 31.5%, respectively. The measured results coincide well with the simulated ones, which verified the effectiveness of the proposed design. Another step type helix line technology is also proposed to reduce the size of helix antenna. A small GPS helix antenna using the step helix line technology is designed, the antenna size is 0.032λ×0.032λ×0.063λ, the maximum gain is 5.3dBi, the peak to peak of circumference gain pattern within 0.3dBi, and the bandwidth is larger than 100MHz.

Assessment of Heavy Metal Levels in Offal Meats (Kidney and Liver) of Beef Sold at Gwagwalada Market, Abuja, Nigeria: An Overview

Adefarati Oloruntoba, Isaiah Adukwu Nathaniel

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 32-42

Aims: To determine the concentrations of heavy metals (Cd, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn) in kidney and liver of slaughtered cattle.

Study Design: Analytical method.

Place and Duration of Study: Samples obtained from Gwagwalada abattoir in Abuja, Nigeria and transported University of Abuja, Chemistry Laboratory for analysis. The study lasted for four (4) months.

Methodology: Wet digestion of samples followed by metal analysis using Accusys 211 Bulk Scientific Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).

Results: The empirical results indicated that the mean levels or concentration of these heavy metals in kidney of cattle were 47.75±0.002 mg/g Zn, 279.5±0.084 mg/g Fe, 10.00±0.00g/g Mn, while Cd and Pb were not detected. The levels or concentration of heavy metals in the liver sample were 0.500=±0.000025 mg/g Cd, 57.00±0.0001 mg/g Zn, 119.5±0.0016 mg/g Fe, 5.75±0.000025 mg/g Mn, Pb was not detected. The concentration of Fe and Mn were found to be high in kidney sample than the liver sample.

Conclusion: The evidence from this study revealed the safety of these investigated offal meats as the concentrations of these metals in the kidney and liver samples were within the maximum permissible limit according to the European Commission (EC) and FAO/WHO standards.

Making Inverters for Domestic Photovoltaic Applications More Robust: The Relevance of a Mixed 5-level Topology

Sébastien Jacques, Jean-Charles Le Bunetel, Ismail Aouichak, Yves Raingeaud

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 43-54

Under the growing impetus of renewable energy policies, the number of grid-connected domestic photovoltaic power plants will increase considerably in the coming years. Inverters are important links because they must not penalize the energy efficiency of the systems and the quality of the signals injected into the AC grid must be indisputable. Transformerless multilevel inverters are well used in grid connected home photovoltaic applications because of their ability to generate very good waveforms, reducing switching frequency, and their low voltage on power devices. However, this type of inverter needs to be modified to both limit common-mode currents and improve system robustness. Neutral point clamped topologies can certainly provide an answer to these problems, but their electronic structure can sometimes be difficult to implement and development costs can be important. This chapter presents a new 5-level mixed-mode inverter that meets these challenges. The operating principle of the inverter is proposed. Many experimental measurements, carried out at low output power, are described to validate this new concept. In particular, the output voltage and current as well as the total harmonic distortion of the output voltage underline the relevance of such a structure.

The Details of Space Weather – Sun Earth Relations

K. Sundara Raman

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 55-62

Sun is the most important celestial objects to the planet earth as it is the main source of energy to it. Sun is an average star, classified under spectral category as a G2 star having a surface temperature of 5780 degree Kelvin. Being close to the earth, sun produces a resolvable disk of great detail, which is not possible for other stars. Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are the enigmatic energetic phenomena that occur in the solar atmosphere and regularly bombard the earth’s environment in addition to the solar wind. These storms and CMEs are closely connected with the magnetically active regions that are observed all through the atmospheric levels of the sun. However, predicting them is not that much easy. Most of the studies concluded that the magnetic twist that takes place even in small active regions is found to be responsible for the triggering mechanisms of these energetic events. Though these phenomena are observed to be taking place in the outer atmosphere of the sun, their foot points are directly connected to the inner atmospheres of the sun, or even below since the magnetic field is getting generated in the interior level of the sun. When we look at this angle, we may realize the importance of ground based observations for a better understanding of these phenomena. It has been time and again observed that in most of the energetic phenomena of the sun, the magnetically active region sunspots that are observed in the surface of the sun play a vital role in the triggering mechanisms of these energetic events. The latest sunspot cycle number 24 did not have sunspots for more than 800 days before the first spot appeared. The sunspot related activity likes solar flares are not found to be strong in the present solar cycle. Therefore, it will be interesting to find out whether the next solar cycle will also behave similar to the present one or this cycle is an unusual one. It gives us a thinking to identify whether some of these energetic phenomena follow the solar cycle or irrelevant to it in addition to studying these energetic event triggering mechanisms. A branch of study ‘space weather’ had emerged in the recent past which connects the sun earth relations. This paper details about the solar activity and associated energetic phenomena that occur in the atmosphere of the sun and their influence on the earth.


Collapsing Interior Schwarzschild Solution: New Perspectives

Rainer Burghardt

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 63-77

We extend the static interior Schwarzschild solution to a collapsing model by applying geometrical methods. We examine the field quantities and field equations in the comoving and non-comoving observer systems. The collapsing stellar object contracts asymptotically to its minimum extent and needs an infinitely long time to arrive at the final state. The event horizon of the exterior Schwarzschild solution is not reached or even crossed. A geometric model of ECOs (eternally collapsing objects) is presented.

Rethinking Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis on Quantum Mechanical Grounds: Critical Overview

Nikolaos Pappas

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 78-82

The hypothesis of cosmic censorship (CCH) plays a crucial role in classical General Relativity, namely to ensure that naked singularities would never emerge, in which case phenomena beyond our understanding and ability to predict could occur. More than 40 years after it was first proposed, the validity of the hypothesis remains an open question. Here CCH gets reconsidered in both its weak and strong version, concerning point-like singularities, with respect to the provisions of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. It is argued that the shielding of the singularities from observers at infinity by an event horizon is also quantum mechanically favored, but ultimately it seems more appropriate to accept that singularities never actually form in the usual sense, thus no naked singularity danger exists in the first place.

Ball Lightning: Physical Bases & Conceptual Views About

Anton V. Pinchuk, Vladimir A. Pinchuk

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 83-118

The complex of conceptual views about ball lightning (BL) as containing surplus electrical charge quasi stationary material foundation with distinctions between levels of translation temperature and exciting temperatures of chemical bonds and electron energy states has been offered and is substantiated in the paper. The being formed complex is grounded upon overstepping the limits of generally accepted physical base and is aimed at all-round substantiation of jointly observed in nature manifestations of BL. Within the limits of the being formed complex the possibility of localization of ball lightning in airspace is confirmed. The nature of the one’s radiate capacity is substantiated. The role of environment as source that feeds BL with energy is established. Power supply mechanisms, conditions and peculiarities of BL’s characteristics reproduction through lifetime are specified. The formations channels of energy resources of BL are turned out. Levels of BL’s energy potentialities, both permissibility proper and wide diapason of variation of the ones (multi-faces of ball lightning) as well as the capability of BL to overcome any barriers from dielectric materials by means of penetration through inanes in body of barriers and then to restore the one’s characteristic (octopus’s effect) are substantiated. Adequacy of being formulated conceptual views as a whole is confirmed.

Thermodynamic Description of Living Homeostasis

G. Hegyi, Gy. Vincze, A. Szasz

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 119-131

We studied the homeostatic equilibrium of the healthy organism. The homeostasis is controlled by oppositely effective physiologic feedback signal-pairs in various time-scales. We show that the entropy of every signal in this state is identical and constant: SE=1.8. The controlling physiological signals fluctuate around their average values. The fluctuation is time-fractal, (pink-noise), which characterizes the homeostasis. The aging is the degradation of the competing pairs of signals, decreasing the complexity of the organism. This way, the color of the noise gradually changes to brown. A special scaling process occurs during the aging: the exponent of the frequency dependence of the power density function grows in this process from 1 to 2, but the homeostasis of the system is unchanged.

Development in Oncological Hyperthermia

Oliver Szasz

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 132-144

Hyperthermia was the very first oncotherapy in human medicine, but its applicability in modern oncology was dubious. The discovery of electromagnetism gave new hope a century ago, however, until up to now, it has been suffering from lack of wide acceptance. Oncological hyperthermia suffers from multiple unsolved medical and technical problems. The accurate selection of malignant tissue and its proper heating in depth are real challenges together with the control and repeatability of the treatments. However, the center of the problems is not technical: the living system tries to keep its homeostatic equilibrium and creates active feedback mechanisms to eliminate or at least correct the constrain heating in depth. The proper reaction on the “gage of battle” has to involve the physiology, handle it complexly together with bio-electromagnetism and update connected technology. The solution has to be the integration of the natural bio-effects into the technological constrains, acting in synergy with the physiological feedback mechanisms, and without forcing effects out of the homeostatic control. The solution lies in strict selection and adequate action in nanoscopic range, without exciting the robust transport-mechanisms to operate against the energy delivery to the tumor. Together with the local optimization, the systemic effects have to be considered, because malignancy is not a local disease. This concept needs interactions with the immune-system being effective on the disseminated cell in far distance too. Our objective is to present a complex technical solution to this complex problem.

Surface Modification of Sulfide for QCM Based Protein Biosensor

Yu-Cheng Lin, Yi-Chi Chen, Liang-Yu Chen

New Insights into Physical Science Vol. 1, , 29 June 2020, Page 145-150

The rapid development of surface sensitive biosensor technologies requires optimum control of surface modification to provide reliable and reproducible results. To assemble a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)-based protein biosensor, we focused our attention on the sulfide receptor and its integration with the surface of the golden electrode. Here, we present different surface modification processing time to allow sulfide molecules to be immobilized to a gold-coated sensor for QCM sensing. The surface modification was also tested with bovine serum albumin (BSA) binding measurement. The optimum surface modification processing time was obtained according to the experiment.