About the Book

This book covers all areas of biotechnology, genetics and other related fields. The contributions by the authors include biosurfactants; antimicrobial activity; bio-preservation; shelf life; plasmid; algal plasmid; plasmid like DNA; fungal contamination; mycotoxins; Detarium microcarpum; Brachystegia eurycoma; Huanglongbing disease; Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus; citrus; Jatropha curcas; euphorbiaceae; essential oil; palmitic acid; linoleic acid; alloisolongifolene; β-farnesene; moisture barrier; shelf-life of horticultural produce; SGOT; SGPT; alloxan monohydrate; aspirin; membrane stabilization; cellulase activity; actinomycetes; fermentation; carboxymethyl cellulose; xylanolytic activity; Trametes sp.; Annona senegalensis; Oulotricha subspecies; thermophiles; bacterial isolates; antibiotic resistance; pathogenicity; urinary tract infections; Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSC); Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP-2) etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of biotechnology and genetics.

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1. Professional review, editing and plagiarism checking.
2. Professional cover-page design and typesetting.
3. Specialized English editing and proofreading
4. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allotment.
5. ISBN number (online and print version)
6. Online publication of the book and printing in the press.
7. Royalty: (80:20) profit sharing between author and publisher from the sale of books. Authors will get 80% of the profit and Publisher will get 20% of the profit.
8. Normally Books will be closed access to increase the possibility of sale and authors will retain the copyright of the book chapter/ books. Special requests of open access books can also be considered in case of complete book publication.

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