Arts and Social Studies Research Vol. 2 <div class="item abstract"> <div class="value"> <p><em>This book covers all areas of arts and social studies. The contributions by the authors include teaching; approaches; social studies; short-term study abroad; global citizenship; critical study abroad; language development; lexical development; syntactic development; algorithmic learning; primary education; subtraction errors; teaching practice; intuition; intuitive rules; language learning; anxiety; psychological factors; English language; education; socio-educational intervention; digital society; parenting styles; parental discipline style; demandingness; enforcement; punishing; social skills; motivation; tertiary institutions; dominant race; hegemony; writing; Dual Language Programme (DLP); accounting; accounting calculations etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of arts and social studies.</em></p> </div> </div> en-US Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Teaching Approaches, Methods and Techniques in Social Studies Education <p>The book chapter explored some of the teaching approaches, methods and techniques of teaching social studies in Nigerian schools. It discussed some of the scholars views on teaching approaches, methods and techniques in social studies education. The paper also explained other approaches, methods and techniques of teaching social studies such as collaborative method, internet technology, Field trip. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods and approaches of teaching were also discussed. The paper concluded that social studies teachers are expected to use each of these methods, techniques or approaches appropriately for the teaching of social studies.</p> Okafor, Victor Emeka, Nwosu Juliana Ngozi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 A Short-term Study Abroad Program and Its Long-term Impact on Participants: A Perspective on Global Citizenship <p>This paper explores the long-term impact of a short-term study abroad program on alumni of the program years after having taken the course. Through using a mixed measure survey, the data reveals that short-term study abroad programs can have a significant and direct impact on the lives of alumni. The specific program considered has impacted alumni choices of international tourist destinations, activities alumni participate in while traveling abroad, as well as the choices alumni make concerning lodging while traveling abroad. In short, after participating in a short-term study abroad program, alumni have developed a global citizenship identity.</p> Todd M. Vanden Berg, Lissa Schwander ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 How Gestures Pave the Way for Lexical Development: Advanced Study <p>In development, children often use gestures to communicate before they use words. The question is whether these gestures merely precede language development or are fundamentally tied to it. I examined four children making the transition from single words to two-word combinations and found that gesture had a tight relation to the children’s lexical and syntactic development. First, a great many of the lexical items that each child produced initially in gesture later moved to that child’s verbal lexicon. Second, children who were first to produce gesture-plus-word combinations conveying two elements in a proposition were also first to produce two-word combinations. Changes in gesture also predict changes in language, suggesting that early gesture may facilitate future developments in language.</p> Amir Yousef Farahmandi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Qualitative Research into the Nature of Errors in Subtraction Algorithm in Primary Education <p><strong>Aims: </strong>We have examined the interaction between formal, intuitive and algorithmic knowledge in the solution for the subtraction operation.</p> <p><strong>Study Design:</strong> Qualitative analysis.</p> <p><strong>Place and Duration of Study:</strong> Department of Didactic, Organization and Investigation Methods (University of Salamanca), between February 2005 and July 2006.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> We included the verbal protocols of nine children aged between seven and ten years old who solved a total of 180 subtractions. The volume of data obtained via verbal protocols has allowed us to study the influence of the conceptual framework and the way in which the children interpret algorithmic process in the first stage of teaching.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The results have allowed certain suggestions to be made with regard to the relation between formal, procedural and intuitive components that have a bearing on the generation of errors, and offer deep insights into how teachers influence the acquisition of mathematical concepts in the primary education stage.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The child’s intuitive interpretations formed in structural schemata, the vocabulary that forms part of these, and the semantic interpretation of zero uphold the sources that generate analogue transfer. It is important to consider its influence in order to improve the algorithmic teaching processes.</p> Ana B. Sánchez-García ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 A Cognitive Based L2 Learning through Neurolinguistic Factors <p>Language is an important aspect of human for communication. It is the most effective way of communication and considered to be a remarkable achievement in human’s life. English language plays an important role in the present society and as a window of the world. The demand of English Language has developed in all the countries and it has emerged as a good communication language. Speaking skill is an essential part of English language learning. When a new language is learned, learners usually face lack of confidence, anxiety, nervousness and apprehension. Psychological factors make a huge difference in learning to speak a language. This article ‘Psychological Factors Affecting English Language Learning: A Neurolinguistic Perspectives’ aims at emphasizing the importance of factors which affect the language learning. Psychological factor is one of the greatest obstacles and it dominates the learner’s perception. Neurolinguistic factor deals with a study of human mind and relation between the languages. Neurolinguistic Programming is an approach to communication and personal development. It is also regarded as an excellent method for second language learning which supports learners to achieve perfection in their performance. It brings out the control of complicated feelings and thoughts by using mind techniques, like visualization. It helps to improve the mental status about the hesitation of learners. Psychological factors are caused by the feeling of making mistakes, lack of self-esteem and anxiety about a situation. The purpose of the study is to find out some possible solutions dealing with the causes and effects by Neurolinguistic Programming and help learners to overcome lack of confidence and anxiety over learning language.</p> S. Sajna Beevi, R. Abilasha, M. Ilankumaran ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Contributions of Ivan Illich to Education in a Digital Society: Advanced Study <p>Ivan Illich was a heavy critic of traditional schooling. His proposals were disregarded, perhaps too quickly, for various reasons. This paper, based on review research, aims to add to a current (re)reading of Illich, seeking to answer the following question: what is the relevance of Illich’s proposal for a successful education in an increasingly digitalised society? The results of this research allow concluding, on the one hand, that Illich’s proposal to replace strict schooling with (self)training networks in a society that is increasingly digitalised and linked by the internet may offer potential benefits, and it is worth, at least, of an in-depth analysis. On the other hand, provocative scholars that allow us to get out of any ideologically and socially delimited system have the merit of helping to provide instruments that enable a better understanding of the present and, consequently, a rationale for the options for the future. Ivan Illich is one of these scholars.</p> Sandro Serpa, Ana Isabel Santos, Carlos Miguel Ferreira ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Parental Discipline Style on Mothers' Perceptions of Social Skills and Learning Motivation: Recent Study <p>The reported research is a quantitative study examining the effect of parental discipline style and its four dimensions—Demandingness, Enforcement, Punishment and Responsiveness—on mothers' perceptions of their children's social skills and learning motivation. The sample consisted of 99 mothers and 129 children aged 8–12 years. It was found that each of the four dimensions of parental discipline style was positively correlated with learning motivation and social skills after controlling for sociodemographic background variables. Learning motivation was the most strongly and positively correlated with Enforcement and most weakly correlated with Demandingness, whereas social skills were most strongly positively correlated with Responsiveness and most weakly correlated with Enforcement. Responsiveness was found to be the major predictor of learning motivation as well as social skills, and was strongly and positively correlated with both.</p> Rachel Pasternak, Anat Guy ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Relevance of Work-study Programme in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria <p>This study explored the usefulness of work-study programme to students in tertiary institutions in Nigeria intending to inculcate dignity of labour in them, bearing in mind the seeming belief of many youths on the application of Machiavellian Principle on wealth creation in contemporary times. It also illustrates the usefulness of the scheme to indigent students, using data from a secondary source and content analysis as a methodology. In its concluding remarks, the study argues that the programme if introduced and properly implemented could restore the traditional belief of people in work, success and life.</p> Dare Ojo Omonijo, Michael Chibuzor Anyaegbunam, Chukwuemeka Arinzechukwu Felix Okoye ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Racial Discourse in Bluest Eye and God Help the Child: An Overview <p>Racism is a practice evolved from a myth that physical traits of one race is superior to another. The basic myth of racism is that white skin colour brings with it superiority that the white is more intelligent, more virtuous where is black its Foil Carry all the opposite traits of white. Afro American race is more prone to the practice of racism as they have been uprooted from the native soil to unknown terrain of another race.</p> <p>Afro American literary span can easily be marked as apartheid and post-Apartheid period. The Apartheid Period has literary contributions on how Afro American community subjected to racism in the hand of other races. Whereas Post-apartheid period has a different story in which the Racism is not mere external but internalized.</p> <p>Being an Afro American writer Toni Morrison confronts racism as the African American’s primary obstacle. And Morrison always find solutions inside community not outside. In 1970 Toni Morrison made her debut as a novelist with the Bluest Eye. Unlike other writers who speaks on racial conflicts as an issue from outside. Morrison analysis racism can be removed if it’s not internalized. For that Morrison believes that the concept of physical beauty as a virtue is one of the most pernicious and destructive has to be lifted Morrison’s first work and recent work God Help the Child discussed on the same theme but the crucial difference is the change in societal approach on the racial ideologies of black and white community.</p> R. Jinu, Chitra Soman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 A Critical Study on How Non-Native English Writers Indicate the Research Gap in Research Article Introductions <p>Writing research&nbsp; article&nbsp; to&nbsp; a&nbsp; peer&nbsp; reviewed&nbsp; publication&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; complex&nbsp; process&nbsp; and&nbsp; involves&nbsp; daunting communication with the referees, co-authors and editors. Publication writing is more challenging than the usual communicative expression yet; prolific writers often pass through the processes without too much difficulty. Prolific writers draw on many writing strategies and one of the strategies is by highlighting the research gap. Most of the time, the research gaps highlighted are those related to the intended research niche and the intended study. While the strategy has been used and taught in many research writing instances, the strategy has been reported to be unpopular amongst the non-native English research writers. Although many non-native English writers are aware of the importance of the research gap, not much is known on how this strategy is being practiced. In view of the underutilization of this strategy and limited studies on the strategy in non-native context, this paper investigates the use of this strategy in 150 research articles introductions in Computer Science disciplines written by academicians in Malaysian Universities.&nbsp; The finding of this study confirmed that indicating research gap as a strategy is underutilized by the research articles written in the corpus. In addition, this paper also described four various ways on how this strategy is commonly used by the non-native writers. The confirmation and authentic examples may be useful in the teaching and learning of research article writing.</p> Ina Suryani, Norkhairi Ahmad, Azlan Abdul Aziz, Badrul Hisham Ahmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Dual Language Programme (DLP) among Science and Mathematics Teachers: Current Study <p>The Dual Language Programme (DLP) is a programme introduced under the foundation of <em>Memartabatkan Bahasa Malaysia Memperkukuh Bahasa Inggeris</em> (MBMMBI). The DLP was first implemented in 2016 at selected schools. As such, researchers had conducted a study to evaluate the implementation of the DLP for science and mathematics which has been used in secondary school based on the CIPP model from the aspect of context, input, process and product. The first objective of this research is to identify the level of context, input, process and product dimensions of the DLP. The second objective is to identify the relationship among the level of context, input, process and product dimensions during the implementation of the DLP with the teachers’ teaching experience. The third objective is to identify the advantages, weaknesses, challenges and suggestions by science and mathematics teachers in realising the DLP. This research had involved 210 teachers who taught science and mathematics in secondary school in Zone Keramat, Kuala Lumpur. This research was conducted using the survey form and interview questions as the research instruments. The data gathered from the research has been analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics by getting the value of the mean score and percentage and also the analysis of Pearson correlation. The data collected from interview were transcribed and analysed using N vivo software. The result showed that the level of context, input and product dimensions were average while the level of process dimension was high. The research hypothesis was accepted where there was no relationship between context, process and product dimensions with the teachers’ teaching experience. From the interview, we found that the DLP has its advantages and also disadvantages, but the essential steps have been proposed in this research. In conclusion, this research has given a new contribution to science and mathematics teachers in Malaysia to evaluate and improve the implementation of the DLP as whole.</p> Norazilawati Abdullah, Kung-Teck Wong, Noraini Mohamed Noh, Mahizer Hamzah, Nor Hasnida Che Md Ghazali ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Brief Overview of Translating Literary Prose: Problems and Solutions <p>This article deals with the problems in translating literary prose and reveals some pertinent solutions and also concentrates on the need to expand the perimeters of Translation Studies. The translation courses offered at many universities in Bangladesh and overseas treat the subject mostly as an outcome of Applied Linguistics. Presently, the teachers and students of translation are confused at the mounting impenetrability of the books and articles that flood the market. Unfortunately, the translators lay more emphasis on the translation of poetry; there should be more research regarding the particular problems of translating literary prose. One explanation of this could be the fact that the status of poetry is considered higher, but it is more possibly due to the notable flawed notion that the novels, essays, fiction etc. possess a simple structure compared to that of a poem and is thus easier to translate. However, many debates have been organised over when to translate, when to apply the close local equivalent, when to invent a new word by translating clearly, and when to copy. Simultaneously, the “untranslatable” cultural- bound words and phrases have been continuously fascinating the prose-translators and translation theorists. The plea made in this article is to admit the fact that there is a lot to be learnt from shaping the criteria for undertaking a prose-translation and we should appreciate the hard work, difficulties, or frustration of the ‘translators’ (go-betweens) in the creation of good sense of the texts.</p> Md. Ziaul Haque ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of the Usefulness of Mathematics <p>Accounting students perform a variety of calculations in accounting courses, making mathematics integral to the successful study of accounting. The purpose of the study was to determine pre-service accounting teachers’ perceptions of the usefulness of mathematics in Bachelor of Education Accounting courses at the higher education institution This study included a convenience sample of 255 pre-service accounting teachers from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, and a purposive sample of 18 students was drawn. Data collection was through Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude (F-SMAS), Usefulness of Mathematics Scale and an interview schedule designed by the researcher. A sequential explanatory design and sampling were employed. Data were analysed using SPSS for quantitative data and were transcribed and analysed qualitatively for interviews. A significant difference was found between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy students on the usefulness of mathematics (p&lt;0.05). Integrating accounting and mathematics methods modules in an accounting method class will equip students with a repertoire of problem-solving skills and mathematical ways of thinking.</p> Msizi Mkhize ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 11 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0000