Dr. P. Elangovan
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sreenivasa
Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

Dr. Narayan Thapa
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Cameron University, Lawton, USA.

ISBN 978-93-89246-11-7 (Print)
ISBN 978-93-89246-53-7 (eBook)
DOI: 10.9734/bpi/aast/v2


This book covers key areas of applied science & technology and other related fields (theme: engineering and mathematics). The contributions by the authors include engineering, mathematics, milling; modelling; periodic holder, Big Boolean algebra; parametric solution; listing of particular solutions; digital design; direct and inverse arithmetic; integer factorisation; Diophantine equations,  p(x)-laplacian equation; uniqueness; numerical blow-up; encoding techniques; Huffman and run-length algorithms; compression techniques; encoding; decoding, foamed concrete; continental applications cellular technology; infrastructural development, machine learning; fraud detection; feature selection; linear regression; principal component analysis, actor-network theory; boundary value problems; chaos; mathematical modeling; dynamical systems, power point, predictor-corrector; shape optimization; magneto-thermoelasticity; functionally graded anisotropic structures; dual reciprocity boundary element method etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of applied science and technology (theme: engineering and mathematics).


Hypothetical Approach in Determining Vibrations of Periodic Cutting Tool Holder

Yaser Hadi

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 1-14

Vibration is a standout amongst the most irritating issues looked amid the metal cutting activity, and it happens much of the time in assembling ventures. The vibration level relies upon a wide range of parameters, for example, material sort, inflexibility of tooling structure, cutting information and task mode. In processing, the slicing procedure exposed to the device vibrations having a processing apparatus holder will doubtlessly result in high vibration levels. These vibrations have an outcome of diminished tool life, poor surface complete and sound disseminations. This examination shows another methodology of confinement for a versatile occasional cutting instrument holder of processing machine. A numerical model has been produced to portray the structure of the cutting apparatus holder. Then again, the conduct of occasional holder is explored numerically. This paper inspected the overwhelming processing vibration parts and recognized these vibrations, which are identified with auxiliary powerful properties of the processing instrument holder. Vibration is largely dodged either by solidifying the relative consistence between the cutting instrument framework and the workpiece, or by decreasing the pivotal and outspread profundities of cut. In this paper, another methodology for observing vibration amid the machining procedure by controlling the periodic materials of the machine apparatus holder is displayed. A computerized dynamic reenactment display was proposed to examine the impact of intermittent cutting periodic holders and additionally basic parameters on the steadiness of processing vibrations. A hypothetical model is created to portray the elements of wave engendering in an intermittent apparatus holder. The model is inferred utilizing the hypothesis of limited components. The model of three intermittent components, spring steel-elastic, and spring steel-copper and straight spring steel to process the vibration amplitudes and powers are introduced. The transfer matrix detailing for every component is given. A correlation between those hypothetical methodologies with genuine estimations will be examined in the following examination.

Continental Application of Foamed Concrete Technology: Lessons for Civil Engineering Infrastructures Development for Africa

Felix A. Oginni

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 15-24

The properties of foamed concrete as a variable density concrete, is now being tapped for effective application in the global construction industry. Foamed concrete is applicable in various continental climates. In hot continental climates, with very hot days and cold nights with temperatures of 90°C and 10°C respectively, it is successfully used in Kazachstan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. This study presents the properties and applications of this type of concrete at varying densities highlighting the advantages and circumstances for its use. Economic and Other Considerations together with its multipurpose applications were also presented. Comparative study of the involvement levels in the use of foamed concrete technology economy by the various continents was undertaken. Results indicated that Asia and Europe alone accounted for 50% and 33.3% respectively, totaling 83%. Africa’s exposure level to foamed concrete technology is only 5.6% which is grossly noncommensurable to the population on the Continent compared with shares from other parts. Some research and development efforts were presented to show that there are opportunities for groundbreaking research works in this field. Africa and Australia each has a share of 5.6% in global involvement in foamed concrete technology economy. This stresses that Africa’s exposure level to foamed concrete technology of 5.6% only is grossly non-commensurable to the population on the Continent compared with shares from other parts of the globe. The world experience has shown that the special technological feature of foamed concrete allows it to be used for multipurpose applications in the building and other infrastructural developments industries as highlighted in the text. This implies that Africa needs to rise up to tap opportunities that abound in this context to improve her infrastructural development rates. There are also opportunities for new ventures on the platform of foamed concrete applications and equipment.

On ‘Big’ Boolean-Equation Solving and Its Utility in Combinatorial Digital Design

Ali Muhammad Rushdi, Sultan Sameer Zagzoog

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 25-48

This chapter considers the problem of solving a system of Boolean equations over a finite (atomic) Boolean algebra other than the two-valued one. A prominent “misnomer” in mathematical and engineering circles is the term ‘Boolean algebra’. This term is widely used to refer to switching algebra, which is just one particular case of a ‘Boolean algebra’ that has 0 generators, 1 atom and two elements belonging to B = { 0,1 } . The chapter outlines classical and novel direct methods for deriving the general parametric solution of such a system and for listing all its particular solutions. A detailed example over B is used to illustrate these two methods as well as a third method that starts by deriving the subsumptive solution first. The example demonstrates how the consistency condition forces a collapse of the underlying Boolean algebra to a subalgebra, and also how to list a huge number of particular solutions in a very compact space. Subsequently, the chapter proposes some potential applications for the techniques of Boolean-equation solving. These techniques are very promising as useful extensions of classical techniques based on two-valued Boolean algebra.

Chaos and Boundary Values Problems of Dynamical Systems

G. T. Arazov, T. H. Aliyeva

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 49-54

The boundary values of problem that are determined from observations play a decisive role in solving any problem in mathematical models of dynamic systems.

They lead to the search of answer to the following questions:

From observations, is it possible to find such boundary values, which could become the guarantor of the existence of smooth or chaotic solutions of the problem?

This paper presents estimates of variations calculated from numerous observations: border estimates of the variations of the gravitational constant of the solar system:

yearGG  11113  ;10/10 (I)

Border estimates of the variations of iovocentric coordinates of V satellite of Jupiter: ;540)0(61,0,810)0(22,0        СС  (II)

border estimates of the variations of drift motions of daily satellites’ major semi-axes for the points where they intersect with the equator, vary within: daykmdaykm /2,4/2,4   (III)

border estimates of changes of daily satellites’ longitude vary within: dayday /.deg0045,0/.deg0053,0   (IV)

border estimates of the variations of the rotation period of the daily satellites vary within: day055,0053,0  (V)

Ratings (I)-(V) obtained from the analysis of sums of infinitesimal perturbations of range less than or equal to the errors of observation.

When satisfying the boundary estimates (I) - (V) of Solar System, orbits of V satellite and daily satellites are stable. Once these conditions are violated, chaos creeps in the orbits of the Solar System, V satellites and daily satellites and the orbits become unstable.

Weak Solutions and Numerical Blow-up for the p(x)-Laplacian Equation

Hamid El Ouardi

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 55-69

This paper aims to investigate in the evolution equation p(x)- Laplacian with the initial boundary value question for the : a(x) ∇u) = f(x, u). The paper translates the parabolic equation into the elliptic equation by using a finite difference method, and then the existence and uniqueness solution are obtained. The blow-up property is shown, by using the energy method. Matlab (Ode45 subroutine) was used for some numerical experiments just to illustrate the general results. The generalization of this study to nonlinear parabolic systems of (p ∂u ∂t − div(|∇u| p(x)−2 (x))-Laplacian type : a i (x)u it − div(|∇u i | p i (x)−2 ∇u i ) = f i (x, u 1 , u 2 1 (x), p ), (i = 1, 2) has been established in another work. The results recover and extend some known results on the existence and long-time behavior of solutions to the semilinear heat equation and the p- Laplacian equations.

Evaluating the Performance of Two Hybrid Feature Selection Model of Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud Detection on Classification and Prediction Methods

Stephen Gbenga Fashoto, Olumide Owolabi, Elliot Mbunge, Andile Simphiwe Metfula

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 70-87

The hybrid and non-hybrid feature selection model aimed at predicting and classifying whether a transaction is fraudulent or non-fraudulent using machine learning approaches. The objective of this study was to use supervised learning framework to differentiate fraudulent and genuine transactions. The proposed hybrid model utilizes feature selection methods namely; the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and PCA-Backward elimination with multiple linear regression and Reduced Error Pruning Tree classifier (RepT) using Python and WEKA. Through five experiments carried out in this study, the proposed approach has proven to be effective for eliminating redundant features in the dataset that does not have significant impact using PCA and Backward elimination method to optimize the predictive behaviour of the credit card transactions. Our first findings from the experimental results revealed that the RepT with PCA-Backward-Elimination prediction accuracy 87.37% is higher than that of multiple linear regressions with PCA 73.35% and PCA-Backward-Elimination 73.34%. Our second findings also revealed that the RepT with PCA-Backward-Elimination classification accuracy of 99.9368% is higher than that of multiple linear regressions with PCA 99.9122% and PCABackward-Elimination 99.9105%. The performance metrics measures on the classification model of the logistic regression with PCA-Backward-Elimination indicates that the hybrid model negates it with the expectation of maximization to minimization (99.9122% to 99.9105%) but returns the same results on the RepT decision tree classification in both cases of 99.9368%. The proposed hybrid feature selection method with machine learning algorithms outperforms the non-hybrid feature selection method with machine learning algorithms for classification and prediction accuracy.

The Problems and Prospects of Experimentation and Power Point Presentation

K. O. Omokhafe, F. A. Akpobome, E. A. Imoren

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 88-94

There are two issues surrounding design and establishment of experiments. Among these is even when resources are available, it may be difficult to conduct purpose driven research. On the other hand, in the midst of scarce resources, there are often unrecognized opportunities. These challenges may be due to ignorance of the components of experiments which should not be ignored or taken for granted. These two limitations of researchers retard the progress and contribution of research to knowledge and development. The objective of this paper therefore was to provide a guide that will stimulate and sustain research interest through experiments that can impact positively on the scientist, work place and the society. In this regard, attention should be paid to the four cardinal aspects of an experiment, which are planning, conduct, data collection, collation and storage, data analysis and writing, presentation or documentation of report.

Plain Text Encoding/Decoding Technique Using a Combination of Huffman and Run-Length Algorithms

Ahmed Ibrahim

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 95-107

This work is devoted to study the effect of applying a hybrid encoding/decoding algorithm to textual data. The sole purpose is to analyze the effect on the size as well as the complexity of the output encoded data. The proposed combination is that of Huffman and Run-Length algorithms. This study focuses on the sequence of applying the two algorithms to see if it has an effect on the output data or not, and the impact of input data format on the result. Results show that the data format and the sequence in which the algorithms are applied actually affect the output. Moreover, it is shown why these two algorithms were chosen and each of them contribute to the overall result.

An Inquiry into the Meaning and Essence of Technology

Theodore John Rivers

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 108-121

Most definitions of technology offer simple and unobstructed descriptions of this term, while some of them also add a description of technology’s essence, the latter of which has also been questioned by some authors. In light of the foregoing, this paper has two tasks: 1) to define technology for both its material and immaterial effects, making note of tools, devices, machines, and apparatuses on the one hand, and procedures, organisations, methods, and strategies on the other, and 2) to discuss and identify its essence. In this twofold attempt, the relationship between definition and essence is analysed. Apart from any underlying complexity, this relationship indicates that essence means something other than a simple definition because definition and essence are not conterminous.

Consumption, "Tourism-Merchandise" and ActorNetwork Theory: The Cartography of Controversies and the Case of Telegraph Rock Trail – RJ

Bárbara Lúcia Guimarães Alves, Fred Tavares, Giselle Gama Torres Ferreira, Jefferson Fernando Gonçalves Guedes da Costa, Margarete Ribeiro Tavares, Marlen Maria Cabral Ramalho

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 122-138

The contemporaneity is marked, in part, by the Control Society, characterised, among other aspects, by consumption. In this scene, both the material and the immaterial objects come to have value in the market, so that one of the influential tools in this period is the use of sociotechnical networks, also involving the social behaviours of individuals and their desires of belonging. In this perspective, the research aims at analysing the use of the images inherent to the landscape of the Telegraph Rock Trail - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - transmitted in these networks, as an influencing factor in the increase of the number of visitors in this place, having as background to the control society. The study attentive to Bruno Latour's Actor-Network Theory (ANT), which measures the fact that the "human actor" and "non-human" can transform the society. Thus, Facebook posts were analysed from the Cartography of Controversies, which is the operationalisation of the Actor-Network Theory (ANT). For that, the contents of the publications from the years 2015 to 2017 were analysed, in the page called "Pedra do Telégrafo_RJ", with 41 thousand participants. Clues point out that the use of socio-technical networks, in the scope of consumption may have influenced the process of production of the trail, through its transformation into a product that now has market value, through the logic "tourismcommodity". It is also identified that the market exhibits the image of nature in a produced and in agreement with the precepts of the control society, outlined by Deleuze. In this logic, natural attributes dissociate themselves from the roles of components of human subsistence and associate with components of the existence of a fluid and schizophrenic in their actions. Thus, while defending nature through their rhetoric, promote actions that can jeopardize its integrity, by the decision to know the place and go along said trail, aspects. However, this study is not competed to leverage new research with the respective theme.

A Computerized Boundary Element Algorithm for Modeling and Optimization of Complex Magneto-Thermoelastic Problems in MFGA Structures

Mohamed Abdelsabour Fahmy, Saleh M. Al-Harbi, Badr Hamedy Al-Harbi, Alanod M. Sibih

Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 2, , 19 June 2019, Page 139-152

Aims: The aim of this article is to propose a boundary integral equation algorithm for modeling and optimization of magneto-thermoelastic problems in multilayered functionally graded anisotropic (MFGA) structures.
Study Design: Original research paper.
Place and duration of Study: Jamoum laboratory, January 2018.
Methodology: a new dual reciprocity boundary element algorithm was implemented for solving the governing equations of magneto-thermoelastic problems in MFGA structures.
Results: A numerical results demonstrate validity, accuracy, and efficiency of the presented technique.
Conclusion: Our results thus confirm the validity, accuracy, and efficiency of the proposed technique. It is noted that the obtained dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) results are more accurate than the FEM results, the DRBEM is more efficient and easy to use than FEM because it only needs the boundary of the domain needs to be discretized.